All travelers who purchase a holiday arranged by Just Say Where Travel & Tours hereafter called "The Company" must agree to be bound by the following which forms the terms of your contract for travel. Payment of your deposit is acknowledgement of these terms and conditions, and that you are in agreement with them.

(1) The Company cannot guarantee that accommodations, food, beverages, ground transportation, airline, ferry, rail, cruise ship or similar services (herein after referred to as "services") will be exactly as represented in their promotional literature. Great care is taken in the contracting of all "services", but we cannot be responsible for the errors or omissions of the suppliers) of said"services". In the unlikely event that a supplier fails to honor their contract with us, we do reserve the right to alter, change or cancel any "services" which you have already purchased. When such a change occurs, the Company will do its utmost to provide comparable "services", although we cannot be liable for any difference in the quality or enjoyment except to the extent of a lower dollar value of the substituted "service". If the Company is forced to cancel your holiday, our liability is limited only to a refund of the monies received by us.

(2) TRAVELING OUTSIDE CANADA - The Canadian standards re the preceding are not necessarily the norm for many countries. When one travels to a foreign country it is for the pleasure of discovering a different culture & lifestyle. By booking a holiday you have opted to sample a foreign culture and things WILL NOT be exactly the same as they are at home.

(3) TOURISM is still considered a "growth industry" in some countries, thus new facilities, resorts etc. are constantly being built, refurbished or extended to keep up with the changing times. It is not unusual for minor repair work or guestroom refurbishment to be ongoing at established resorts and this will occur without prior notice to the Company thus is beyond our control, if we are pre-warned of potentially disruptive on-site construction, please be assured that all efforts will be made to rectify the situation to the satisfaction of all.

(4) All "services" as described within our literature are based upon information provided to us in good faith, by our preferred suppliers. Since brochure/tentative itineraries are printed 6 months or more in advance of travel, there may be the odd occasion that an amenity/facility/hotel/restaurant is not available during your stay. Such changes may be noted only in our Final Itinerary which is forwarded with the final tour documents, or even thereafter according to local circumstances. As well occasionally an attraction or cultural visit may be altered due to unforeseen circumstances and a substitute will be arranged.

(5) TRAVELERS should be aware that meals and beverages included in some packages may be of a different style and standard than we are used to in Canada. We accept requests at the time of initial reservation for the provision of special meals to meet certain dietary requirements. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that any special request will be adhered to by our suppliers, although every attempt will be made to meet the request. Special diet must be discussed at the time of booking.

(6) HOTEL PORTERAGE is usually available on all of our tours; however on rare occasions it may not be possible. Luggage carts and/or porters are available for arrival and departure at most airports & resorts ( a nominal fee may be applicable).

(7) ANY COMPLAINTS whilst on holiday must first be brought to the attention of your local Tour Operator representative. They must be allowed an opportunity to rectify satisfactorily any adverse situations BEFORE your return home. The Company will not be responsible for any complaints or breaches of contract whatsoever if the traveler does not notify us of same IN WRITING within 30 days of the group return date to Canada. We may require 8 to 10 weeks to investigate and respond to any written complaints.

(8) A VALID PASSPORT (not due to expire within 6 months of your return date) is required for some destinations. If you are traveling with a non-Canadian passport OR if you are a not a Canadian citizen, we must be advised at the time of booking. A tourist card is also required and will be available either with your tour package or the airline.

(9) Any information or advice provided by the Company on matters such as visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage etc. is given in good faith but without responsibility on the part of the Company, and the passenger accepts responsibility for obtaining any necessary visas and travel documents required for the holiday.